Reasons Why Living in the Woods is Not All It's Cracked Up to Be...
1) No cable.
2) No high speed internet
3) No satellite
4) Mice nest in your cars.
5) Mice eat your cars.
6) Anything you put in the shed to store is sure to get ruined.
7) Squirrels are everywhere. They throw acorns at your car all the time and occasionally at you. They also like to nest in your car.
8) Moss grows like crazy on the roof.
9) The outside of your house is never totally clean, because stuff is always falling on your house. No matter how often you sweep, leaf blow your deck, roof, driveway and cars will always have leaves, moss, tree debris, dirt, acorns, branches, twigs on them.
10) You are always out of the way for everybody and out of the way for everything.
11) Sometimes there are weird smells outside.
12) Paint fades even faster.
13) It takes longer to get everywhere.
14) Only a couple of places deliver there.
15) Your carpet gets dirty quickly because you are always dragging leaves and stuff
from the outside in the house.
16) In the fall you are lucky to find your house the amount of leaves and leaf clean up there is.
17) Your mailbox is always a target.
18) NO CABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reasons why Living in the Woods Is a Good Thing.
1) It's beautiful!!
2) Lots of trees.
3) It stays quite a bit cooler back there.
4) You can do windows and fans more often.
5) You have more privacy.
6) More property
7) A nice safe place to play with your son. No fear of cars or busy streets.
8) Safety and security, unless you have a neighbor's daughter who steals from your house. ;P
9) Nice neighbors and not a lot of them.
10) The sight of trees out of every window.
11) Being close to civilization, but away from civilization all at the same time.
12) It is out of the way for everybody to get to. ;)
13) If the cat gets out, she is easier to catch.
14) It really is beautiful.