Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Out of Touch
Sorry I have not posted in SO long!! Things have just been a little chaotic!! To make a long story short, CJ had to have the tube in his right ear replaced. He finally does not have an infection in either ear, at least as of last week when he saw the ENT he didn't. He had a little stomach bug and fever and I missed yet more work. Now he is back to daycare, he has made it through two days and is there now working on day 3. For right now he is doing very well. Happy, healthy all that good stuff. We are just kind of waiting and taking everything day by day. Things can change so fast with him. Anyways, sorry I have not posted in so long. I will try to write more later and give more updates on everything.

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Wow I am so sorry y'all have all had such a hard time. I know you just want all of this to be done! I am thinking of y'all and let me know if I can do anything to help you. That is a VERY cute pic of CJ by the way! I love it! ♥
Look! There's the tongue! You and Philly-Philly-Cheese-Steak have finally converted little CJ to your ways! I totally expect to see tongue in most (if not all) pictures from now on!
P.S. My word verification is "texoen". You know, like "Texan" but different.
Certainly glad things are on the up and up!!
Glad to see you posting again!!
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