Hello everyone!!! As you know, CJ had the tube surgery and then we headed to St. Louis to visit some family. Well, a few days before CJ had the ear tube surgery done we noticed that there was some swelling behind his left ear. The ENT too was concerned about it when he did the surgery. He told us to see if the tubes helped it go down and helped it to drain out and see him 3 weeks later for follow up. He did say that if it seemed to be swelling, red or tender to call him sooner. Well, we went to St. Louis, had a great time visiting family and CJ was in great spirits!! The lump behind his ear never seemed to bother him at all, we would touch it and he would not respond. However, it made us a little nervous because it was not going down at all. If anything, it was bigger. So we called the ENT as soon as we got back and made an appt. for him to be seen on Tuesday. Phil took him to his appt. on Tuesday afternoon. The ENT advised him to take CJ to the ER at GBMC to get a cat scan and to make sure that the lump was indeed an infection, not something more serious. So Phil took CJ to the ER at about 4 pm and I met them about an hour later after I got off work. Then we waited and waited and waited. Then finally, we got called back. CJ had a cat scan, blood work and an IV put in. And the doctor informed us that he had a buildup of infection and puss in the bone behind his left ear. Poor little guy. So we were admitted to the hospital, given a room about midnight and CJ got put on IV antibiotics and surgery was scheduled for the next day. CJ had surgery on Wednesday at about 1 pm. Basically, they had to cut into the bone and drain the infection out. It was about an hour and a half surgery and of course CJ was under anesthesia for the whole thing. Phil and I waited nervously through the whole thing. The doctor came out as soon as it was over and told us that surgery had gone very well. Everything looked good he told us and CJ did very well. About 10 minutes later, we got to go see CJ and wait with him until he woke up. Once he woke up, we were led back to our room and thus started the rest of our very long week. Poor little CJ was pretty angry at us at this point. You see on Tuesday he could not have anything to eat or drink before the cat scan and then on Wednesday he could not have anything to eat or drink before the surgery. So he had nothing from noon Tuesday until late Wednesday afternoon. He was pretty furious and of course there was no way of explaining to him why he could not eat or drink. Couldn't blame the poor little guy. He had already been through so much. Then he was on IV antibiotics for another 48 hours and had to wear a nifty gauze headband and he had another drain in his ear to help drain everything else out. Poor little guy. It was tough. He could not really walk around the room or play because he was tethered to the IV and every time a doctor or nurse came in he would freak out because he would think they were going to do something mean to him. But we made it through. Visits from grandparents helped. Phil and I made a good team. We held it together really well and stayed with him the whole time, despite one quick trip home by me to get some clothes for all of us and toys for the little man. Phil was calm and patient and I was pretty good too, lol. Anyways, Friday morning, they removed the headband and CJ was instantly a much happier guy. He was in a much better mood all around. Then they removed the line to his IV. Though he still had the IV in his hand it was not attached to anything anymore and he could finally walk around the room. This made him SO much happier!! And then last night, they finally took the IV out and he was like himself again. Such a brave little man. Then, they were going to send us home last night, but there was a glitch. Seems the medication that he needed could not be found at any pharmacy anywhere in the area. They all said they could get it ordered for Monday, but not before. So, it was looking like we were going to be stuck at the hospital until Monday because obviously he needs his meds. The hospital even tried to get permission for us to take some of their supply home, but no dice. Then today the most wonderful nurse in the world called around to about a billion pharmacies and finally found the medication at Johns Hopkins!! So we got to go home today!!! Hooray!!! We were so ready. So now we are all home safe and sound. CJ is doing well and in good spirits. His ear does not look too bad, he just has a little bloody scar and some stitches which they say should heal well and leave almost no scar in the end. He is still on medicine and ear drops. He has to be on a special diet because of the type of medication he is on, but luckily it should not be too hard. A lot of the things he can not eat or drink he is too young to eat or drink yet anyways. He has to take it easy for awhile as well, but hopefully we are out of the woods now. He has a follow up with the ENT on Tuesday in the office. He says he will give us a better timeline of his recovery and when he can return to daycare, etc. at the appt. on Tuesday. In the meantime, my mom is helping us find a babysitter so that we can return to work since CJ will not be able to go back to daycare for a little while. Anyways, it has been a long week for all 3 of us and quite the ordeal!!! We are all pretty exhausted and glad to be home. I think that we came together really well as a family and got through the crisis really well together. CJ was very brave and handled everything remarkably well for a 15 month old. I was very proud of him. It is a lot for a 15 month old to go through. Phil was a rock as always. He is my rock. He is the best husband and father in the world and I am so lucky to have him. And I have learned something about myself. When it comes to little, silly things I sometimes get upset or emotional easily. But when it comes to really big, important things and being there for people I love, I am calm and keep it together really well. I am really good at being strong when it is important. And I am proud of my strong family. So anyways, that is our week. I will write another blog soon talking more in detail about our trip to STL with some pictures too. And I will update you guys on CJ's progress. The tubes were supposed to nip this thing in the bud. No such luck. Let's just hope, this trip to the hospital is the last thing that poor little boy and his parents have to endure for awhile. Thanks to our wonderful family and friends for your love, support and understanding!! Thanks to the amazing doctors, nurses and staff at GBMC!! And thanks to our coworkers and bosses for your incredible patience and understanding!! Love you all!!

Our brave little patient!!

My two strong men!!

No more headband!! Yay!! :)
OMG!!!! I actually have been worried that something had gone wrong. I read your blog on a daily basis and you post on a daily basis. When you said you were gonna be back by Monday and then no post all week I got a little worried. Man what an ordeal! I am SO sorry that you had to go through that. You are AMAZING and such a strong person. I know that was really scary. Poor little CJ. I know how frustrating it must have been not to be able to have him understand what was going on. Hopefully this will take care of everything. Y'all are always in my thoughts and my heart. HUGS HUGS HUGS to you ALL! ♥
Dude! CJ looked pissed in that first one! Poor little guy!
Here is an internet hug from his auntie Deals:
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