Friday, March 14, 2008

Sleepy Friday

I am tired. Work is going by slowly and I am a little bored. And you know what?! I would not trade it for anything. I would much rather be at work with a healthy happy boy at home than at the hospital or at home with a sick baby. I would much rather be back to a regular routine and be a little bored than to have my little man feel yucky. All that matters is that CJ is healthy and happy and that we can all get back to our normal lives. Let's hope this continues. We could use the break. Keep your fingers crossed!!! Oh and on a random note LOST was awesome last night!!! I had been saying from the beginning that Michael was the spy!!!! And have a GREAT weekend everyone and please please be careful if you plan on doing any drinking or partying for St. Patty's Day, but have tons of fun too!! :)

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