Well CJ has been doing great. He has been feeling well and playful. The babysitter was wonderful, she loved him and he loved her. He has a little bit of a runny nose, which of course makes me nervous, but other than that he is great. He has no fever, he is playful, he is happy, his appetite is great and we are having a great time. He had his 15 month check up last Wednesday. Everything went well. He is still tall and thin with a big head, hehehe. He is in the 93rd percentile for height, 90th percentile for head size and the 20th percentile for weight. He certainly eats like a pig that's for sure. I told the doctor that and he said he burns it off really fast with how active he is, plus he is really tall, plus he has been sick and also there is nothing wrong with being tall and thin. But CJ sure has a HUGE appetite. Anyways, he said his ears look good which was awesome to hear. I will still feel better to get the ENT report this week, but still good to hear. Basically he was healthy all around except he had a really bad diaper rash. The doctor said that was a side effect of the antibiotics and he gave us some medicine that has already cleared it up quite a bit. It is called Nystatin and Phil is very proud because his company makes it and we got it for free. Woot!!! So anyways, things are looking up. Today was CJ's last day of antibiotics and Monday he is supposed to go back to daycare. I would be lying if I said I was not a little nervous. I am actually really really nervous. I really want CJ to be healthy for awhile. This will be the true test, going back to school with all the other little kids not to mention their germs. It seems like every time he is doing better, and I start to relax, he gets sick again. And he has a runny nose, which so far seems to be just that, a runny nose. I also think he might be teething again because he is drooling again which could cause the runny nose. But still I can't help, but worry. I really want him to have fun at daycare when he goes back, playing with all his friends and teachers who I know miss him. And I want him to be healthy and happy for a long long time. I know he can't be healthy forever and that little kids get sick a lot. But I really want him to be healthy for awhile now. I think he deserves at least that. Anyways, he goes back to daycare on Monday and his follow up appt. with the ENT is on Tuesday. Wish us luck!!! I'll keep you all posted!!

My Two Handsome Men
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