So things have been kind of crazy lately...CJ and I had a great day on Friday, he finially seemed to be doing better then BAM!! 4 o'clock in the morning rolled around and CJ was sick. He then had a stomach bug off and on all weekend, but was in surprisingly good spirits. Phil and I woke up Monday with the same stomach bug and had to miss work on Monday and also got to fight over the upstairs bathroom. Luckily we both were pretty much over it by Monday night. Then yesterday CJ had his ear tube surgery. Everything went well with the surgery. He was a trooper. He was an angel all day yesterday and seemed to be feeling great. I am trying not to get my hopes up or to get too excited yet. I am trying to wait and take it one day at a time with him cuz whenever I get excited and think he is better than he gets sick again. So keep your fingers crossed for us that this ear tube surgery will be the solution and the help he needs. He is doing great so far. We will see how it continues. Phil, CJ and I will be going to St. Louis on Thursday the 28th to visit Phil's relatives. We will get to stay with his brother Pat and my FAVORITE sister-in-law Liz for a couple of days and then go see a whole bunch of relatives the rest of the weekend including them. :) I know Phil is really excited for all of his relatives to meet little CJ, especially his grandmother Alice. His grandfather (her husband) was Charles and now we have Charles so it is a big moment for everyone. I am excited too for everyone. I am just a little nervous. I hope CJ stays relatively happy and healthy throughout the weekend and has fun. It is weird. It used to be he was NEVER sick. I don't think we ever had to go to the doctor for sickness his first year of life. We just made plans and ran with them. Now it seems like we are always missing work and daycare and I am always nervous about making plans. Pretty much ever since I went back to work and he started daycare it has been a crazy, stressful life for the Vogts. Hopefully this ear tube surgery will help with that. CJ has been such a sweetie pie through this whole thing. He has been such a good sport and such a trooper. What a wonderful little treasure he is!! We are so lucky. He has really been in good spirits through a lot of this, besides being tired and lethargic and unhappy here and there with some of the really bad ear infections. But lately he has been in a great mood, a dream. Anyways, I really hope this works for him. Keep your fingers crossed!! So to make a long story short or a short story long I am excited about the trip, but apprehensive too. I really hope that CJ is feeling well and has fun and so do we. Anyways, that is a brief summary of my life right now. We will be in St. Louis until Monday and getting back into Baltimore late Monday morning. If you need me or Phil, you can reach us on our cell phones or we will try to check our e-mail occasionally while we are there. Think good thoughts for us!!! Bring on the spring!!! :)
I know it is a bit late for New Years pics, but this pic was so cute and I just felt the need to post it. :)
So glad the surgery went well. Have a wonderful weekend. Y'all definately deserve it. HUGS and love to all ♥
Hope the flight went well and CJ is feeling okay.
Tell him that he needs to listen to good, ole' JT and say:
"I'm bringing healthy back!"
Love ya'll!!!
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