Happy Valentines Day everyone!!! Amazingly, both CJ and I seem to be feeling much better this afternoon. Keep your fingers crossed that this Valentines miracle continues. Hope you all have fun Valentines plans with your loved ones or with friends or on your own. Personally, I will be watching Lost with my hubby. Yep, we live the wild life!!! Happy Valentines Day!!!
Too cute!
I love this picture of CJ he looks so happy! Lost is very romantic!! Ross and I have been watching it for about 3 weeks... We borrowed the first 3 seasons from his friend.. we are about 1/2 way through season 2. I am addicted. In fact it is SO bad I did not even fix Ross dinner for Valentines Day.
So, when is a good time to call.
Hope you had a good weekend, all we have done is watch Lost and go to the pool!
Our weekend was very low key. Poor CJ had yet another ear infection and the doctors FINALLY broke out the big guns and gave him two injections of strong antibiotics and an oral antibiotic to follow up with. So far it seems to be working!!! He was finally himself again today and seems to be feeling much better. Keep your fingers crossed that he keeps feeling better and that this medication works!! So we just took it easy this weekend and caught up on sleep. My mom and Hayes were up today to see CJ. They both said hi and were excited when I told them we were back in touch!! :)
LOST IS SOOOOO ADDICTING!!! Both Phil and I are totally addicted!!! We love love love it!!! We have been watching it from the beginning pretty much. Sawyer is the man for me!!! My friend Jess is obsessed too and in love with Jack!!! Anyways, so glad to hear that you guys are enjoying the show!!!
You can call me anytime. I work from 8:30-4:30 and am usually busy with CJ until he goes to bed around 8ish. You can call my cell anytime of the day or night and my house anytime before 8:30ish I would say. LOL I am babbling!! But call me whenever. I would LOVE to talk to you ANYTIME!!! And I am so jealous that you went to the pool. Ah to live somewhere warmer. ;)
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