So I was just thinking how lucky I am to have Phil for a husband. We make a really good team I think and balance each other out well. He is laid back, logical and relaxed about things. I am more nervous, and hyper, but I tend to plan more and take steps toward fixing things if they need to be fixed. For example, with everything that has been going on with poor little CJ and his ears, I have been the more stressed out, nervous, unhappy one. Phil has been good at calming me down and discussing everything rationally and logically. But I have been the one that is more aggressive about calling the doctors and I am the one who usually knows when something is wrong with CJ. Phil is more likely to wait and see what happens, whereas I am more likely to call the doctor right away and I have been pretty right lately. So it is good, we balance each other out. I get nervous and he calms me down. I call the doctor and he helps me take care of little CJ and make sure both CJ and I stay calm and as happy as possible. Phil says I have good instincts about CJ and when he is not feeling well. I suppose I do. But I think after spending 24/7 together for a year, you start developing some instincts about the other person. ;) Anyways, CJ is doing great this morning. No fever, happy, playing, took all his meds happily. He is back at daycare this morning. Keep your fingers crossed for us that he makes it through the day!!! :) I just wanted to comment on how cool it is that Phil and I are such a great pair and make for such a great partnership. I am the luckiest person in the world to have two such wonderful boys in my life who I love more than anything. It doesn't get any better than them. :)

Awe! The cute little Vogt family.
Yall are so happy.
I feel like that is EXACTLY the way that Ross and I are.
He is very calming logical and logistic.
I am emotional impulsive and irrational.
I think this is why Ross and I make a good team.
We balance each other.
I must say that out of the two team members I think Addie likes me the BEST!! :):) HaHa
well i guess logical and logistic are the same thing....
That picture looks like you are getting ready to give Phil a huge smackeroo!!
I'm not putting too many pictures of myself on the blog untill i loose my baby weight. I have been going to the gym for about 8 months and have lost 4 lbs. Way too go!! I am so frustrated!! I have been watching what I eat. This week I started swimming again. I swam my entire pregnancy - for at least 45 min. 5-6 times a week.... I still gained 40 lbs. :(
Sorry to ramble on you blog....
LOL That's okay. I am sure you look great!!! I STILL have not lost my baby weight. I look much thinner in that picture than I actually am. I understand your frustration. I have been trying and trying to lose weight with not too much luck. I saw the New Years pictures of myself and I almost died. I look like a linebacker for a football team. I actually have lost about 8 pounds right now, but that is just from stress at worrying about CJ and not eating as much. As soon as I feel better, I am sure I will gain right back. And I still have about 30 pounds to go. I am definitely not the thin girl I was in high school. I wish I had appreciated it then. Anyways, I understand how you feel. Baby weight is the hardest thing in the world to get off. Of course it is worth it though to have the little sweethearts. :) But it still is frustrating. But it is good that you are going to the gym and working out and I am sure you look gorgeous as always!! You should see how heavy I have gotten. Okay now I am babbling on my own blog. :P
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