Wednesday, August 6, 2008

In Case You were Curious....

Just in case anybody was wondering there is a reason that I am not very good at keeping up my blog or posting new pics on facebook. Well actually there are a couple of reasons. One is that I am just plain lazy about it. And the other one is that we have dial up at home. Most of you know our sad story. We bought our house four years ago not knowing that we could not get cable or satellite or high speed internet. We tried to get satellite, too many trees. They came and wired our driveway for cable, but then another neighbor pissed them off and they wont come back!!! And since there are just 4 houses on our driveway, we do not rate too high on the importance scale. It is tough. Netflix and DVDs are lifesavers for sure!! We can watch network TV so we still get to see Lost, but even that is a fight with bunny ears. Anyways, we also do not have high speed internet. We have sad old dial up. And let me tell you how easy it is to upload pictures and stuff on dial up. Well not very easy at all actually. We have high speed internet at work so I have to do all my uploading there and sometimes well I have to work. Plus all my pictures are on my home computer. Sigh. It is tough being me. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I wish I could post blogs and put up pictures all the time. I have so many cute ones of CJ. It is any wonder I want a new house? ;P Maybe someday I will be able to do it more often....
In other news, we had a GREAT time for my birthday in the Dominican!!! It was so nice to get away for a few days to relax and get a break. We just sat by the pool, slept in, ate good food and were on our own adult schedule for a few days. It was just what I wanted for my birthday. A few days with just my Philly!! And CJ had a blast at my parents house. He ADORED Hayes and loves my Dad and now has a new name for my Mom, "Rocky!!" They all had a blast together and kept him busy and had lots of fun. I was SO excited to see him when we got back, but I have to say I would not have minded another day or two in paradise. Poor CJ has yet another cough keeping both him and me awake at night.
And most importantly, I would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Dealey and Trevor!!!!!!! They are engaged!!! At last!!! Yay!!! I am SO excited for them both!! I guess the proposal involved a mountain and beef jerky!!! But yay indeed! They are so great together and I am so happy for them both!! This is the best news!!! Dealey is one of my closest friends and she deserves all the happiness in the world. Congrats and we can not wait to see you both in October!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


The Three of Us said...

Oh HillNuts -
I'm so glad you had a relaxing time on your Birthday! I wouldn't mind doing something like that for my bday.. but i know Ross' parents would want to keep Addie part of the time and we CAN'T go there!

So Deals is getting hitched!!
I'm excited for her!! ♥

Well Happy Birthday Again and i will have to see the pictures when you visit!!!!

Mommy's World said...

Thank you for all the birthday wishes!!! I love CJ sooo much, but it was so nice to have a little break and a few days without chasing a toddler around. I know what you mean about the in laws. I always try to be so careful with taking turns with the 2 sets of grandparents. This time it was my folks turn and Hayes came down and helped too. So she got some good bonding time in with CJ which is great. He just adores her.

Yeah Deals is getting hitched!! At last!!! I am SO excited for her!! I actually just found out because her sister Amy posted a message about it on facebook. And then I texted Dealey to congratulate her and we chatted about it a bit. So cool!!!

I will try to get Phil to upload the pics at work so I can put them on facebook. And I can NOT wait to see you!!!!! Less than a month to go now!!! :) I am glad you seem to be doing so much better now. I think about you all the time. You are one of my closest friends too and also deserve all the happiness in the world. Love you!!!