-Ouch!! My toe hurts!!! It hurts a lot!!! I injured myself with a cutting board.
-I STILL really want to move. Like yesterday.
-I no longer have any motivation to keep my house looking nice. I need to get the motivation back.
-I hope CJ has a good day and is not coughing too much.
-I hope CJ sleeps well tonight and that his coughing does not keep him up and that we get to sleep too.
-I can not wait until tomorrow is over and it is the weekend!!!
-Thank god we have Friday off!!
-I am so excited about showing CJ the fireworks.
-I am excited about seeing the fireworks with the Goodwins!! Woot!! We should hang out more.
-I can't wait for all my trips!!!
-Only one month until Phil and I will be in the Dominican for my BIG birthday celebration!!! I want to go now!!
-I hope Sonny calls me back with that lawyer number. I want to get that will taken care of before we go.
-I am kind of jealous of Sam and Will's house. I want to move down south. Actually I would be okay with staying in MD. But I am SO ready for a new house.
-I wish we had more money.
-We really need to blow off our driveway and deck.
-Our deck really needs to be painted, but so expensive.
-Why does everything cost so much money?
-Phil has got to take care of that moss.
-We get to go to Dallas again after all. Yay!! We are not going until October, but I am already freaking out. I specifically gave us a whole hour to connect and then the stupid airline changed the flight so now we have a whooping 20 minutes to connect. I hope we make it!!
-I can't wait to see Molly and Dealey!!
-I am SO ready for my birthday trip!! Did I mention I wish I could go now?
-I wonder what we are having for dinner tonight. I am already hungry. Something yummy I hope.
-I am finally starting to lose weight. I hope it continues. I have a long way to go. 17 pounds down, like 30 to go!! :P
-I hope I can go to the gym with this injury.
-Did I mention I really wish I could move?
-My toe still hurts. A LOT. I wonder what it looks like now.
EXTREME close up!!!

Refind? Really? :P
There!! I fixed it. Do you feel better now? :P
Hey! YAY we get to hear from you again! WOOT! I hope you have an awesome 4th of July! Hope your summer is going well! Things are good here just busy. Love the pic of the little man...SO CUTE! (as always) Have fun in Dallas! Tell Dealey I said hi! :-D ♥
We need more random Thoughts.
Why are things so expensive...
Why do we both want to move??
I can't wait to see you either!!
I am VERY tired of cleaning our 4 ROOM HOUSE!!
Why did I get pregnant on the pill??
Talk to you soon!!
love ya!!
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