Friday, May 16, 2008
CJ had his follow up with the ENT ON Tuesday. Brace yourselves. Are you ready? Dr. Weiss said that both ears look PERFECT!!!!! Phil was the one to take him and said that they actually look perfect. Both of them!! Perfect!!!!! He said that he can discontinue the ear drops and that he has to follow up in 2 months, in July unless of course something happens before then. Please please hope for us that we wont have to take him before then and that things will continue to look good. Obviously we are so thrilled with this news!!! We will still continue to take everything day by day with his health and we can't assume that he will never get an ear infection again. He might still have problems down the road and I don't want to get too confident and comfortable. But for right now his ears look PERFECT and I think we are going to allow ourselves to be happy about that for awhile. :) Anyways, he has made it through 9 days of daycare in a row now and is working on day 10 right now with his perfect ears. ;) Thank you all for your all love, support, and understanding!! I would also like to extend a special thank you to both my boss and to Phil's boss for being so incredibly understanding about all the time off and all the appts. and all the calls from daycare. You guys are awesome and we are sooo lucky to have family friendly, understanding bosses and coworkers!! And thank you to all our family and friends, you are the best in the whole wide world and we feel so lucky to have you!!! Also, thank you to the best husband, father and "teammate" in the whole universe!!! We will of course keep you posted and keep your fingers crossed that there wont be an update for awhile. CJ really really deserves to have a happy summer with a break from illness and honestly we do too.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Out of Touch
Sorry I have not posted in SO long!! Things have just been a little chaotic!! To make a long story short, CJ had to have the tube in his right ear replaced. He finally does not have an infection in either ear, at least as of last week when he saw the ENT he didn't. He had a little stomach bug and fever and I missed yet more work. Now he is back to daycare, he has made it through two days and is there now working on day 3. For right now he is doing very well. Happy, healthy all that good stuff. We are just kind of waiting and taking everything day by day. Things can change so fast with him. Anyways, sorry I have not posted in so long. I will try to write more later and give more updates on everything.

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