Wednesday, January 30, 2008


After a long wait, Lost finally returns tomorrow night at 9 pm on ABC!!! There is a recap on at 8 and then a brand new episode starts at 9!!!! I can't wait to see me some shirtless Sawyer. Woot Woot!!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Philly's Birthday

Tomorrow January 26, 2008 is Phil's 29th Birthday!! He will be as old as me, at least for awhile. ;) Don't forget to wish him a very Happy Birthday!!! Happy Birthday eve to the cutest, bestest, most wonderful, funniest husband, father and friend in the whole universe!! Love you hot stuff!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


My good friend and fellow Lost freak Jess sent me an e-mail and this quote was in it. I liked it. That's all.

'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

Drop off Time

So this week when I drop CJ off at daycare there seems to be a continuing trend. He walks happily into Andre's (his teacher) arms smiling and happy and then as soon as he gets there, he looks at me and starts crying. I guess he knows that means I am going to leave. He is starting to get it now. But what really amuses me about this is that he does not cling to me, he doesn't hold on to me for dear life. No instead he goes happily to his teachers and THEN starts crying. I do feel bad when he starts crying though. But the fact that he goes happily to his teachers is a good sign and he is always having a great time when I pick him up in the afternoon. And I guess selfishly speaking I feel good that he loves me so much that he does not want me to leave. Plus I am sure about 2 seconds after I get out the door he is fine. Although today when he went to Erin (his other teacher) he did not cry at all, he just looked bewildered. The plot thickens?

In other news, the news about Heath Ledger is oddly shocking and sad. I wonder how Michelle feels. I know they were broken up, but they did have a kid together. Poor little Mathilda. Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams always seemed so unHollywood to me, though according to Hayes, they were hippies. They used to live in Brooklyn so I guess Hayes being a New Yorker would know these things. ;P

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Getting Started....

Hello everyone!! I have been thinking for awhile now that it would be fun to start a blog and have a place to vent and write and talk. I don't really know what I am doing yet, so bare with me please. Anyways, there is not too much to know about me. I love my family and friends. Being with my husband Phil and my baby boy CJ is my favorite thing in the whole world. I just spent a year at home with CJ and it was the most awesome experience of my life. Now I am back to work and he is starting daycare and we are both adjusting. Anyways, I just wanted to start this blog to talk and vent. Wish me luck!!